The Arizona Stand down was a Hugh success with Mr. Strickland on board to watch provides work extremely hard to provide much needed services over February 3rd-5th 2012. Over 1,200 Veterans and family members were served from the smallest of items to all out clothing just on Friday alone We believe there was another 1200-1300 on Saturday the 4th numbers and after action reports will help to zero in on the exact numbers. There were 600 warrants cleared on Friday, again total numbers will be available in up coming days. Many who had a warrant cleared was awarded community service to performed and maintain the general clean ups required in such an event of this size. The Veterans Memorial Coliseum both Friday the 3rd and Saturday the 4th were packed with services providers and Veterans Some of the providers were the Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) with Team Hilly and Gregg, the United Way, VA Assistance, VA Medical, VA Mental Health, Housing Assistance, City Of Phoenix Municipal Court, Substance Abuse Counselors and Referrals, DES Employment and Benefits, Social Security Information, MVD-ID's, DMV-Licenses, Legal Aid Assistance, Tax Services Secure Sleeping Areas for Men-Women and families, Meals, Haircut's, Showers, Storage, Dental, Pet Care. Closing ceremony was Sunday with a prior Veteran that fought back drug abuse and many other issues to be the guest speaker to other Veterans that have had or are having the same issues. What a weekend for Shepherd's Grip, break down and finial clean up was completed on Sunday the 5th of February 2012 and looking to forward to 2013. Shepherd's Grip was filling a big need as we have for the last 4 years with prayers and distributing Christan books and Bibles to Veterans that were seeking to find there Spiritual needs and to put a focus on the family and there needs also. What a Blessing to take part in these Veterans lives that have sometime Hugh needs and to see all the volunteer's providing that special touch to reach out to the most needy in this Country. We Thank Brad, Debbie, and all that worked so hard to take the time to care to make 2012 a great success. God Bless and Looking forward to 2013!
Shepherd's Grip
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