Thursday, April 26, 2012


How many times have you thought that you were in control of your life only to find out your not.  I came  across a line that I believe is one of the easiest way to explain who gets into Heaven.  Heaven is not for "Good People" it's for "Forgiven People."  What a powerful way to look on how we get to heaven and its not by works as some would like to believe, but by Grace, Believing and Forgiveness from our Lord Christ Jesus.  Time here on earth is like a vapor in the air a twinkle of an eye, short in deed as the Bible tells us. So don't let go of the wheel, because the One who is driving our lives for us is the only one who knows our roads before we get their. Heaven in made for the "Forgiven not Good People"!  

In His Service
Shepherd's Grip

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