Monday, September 3, 2012


The Bible talks a lot about sheep and their relationship with their shepherd. The thing with sheep is they need a shepherd around them at all times to guide them, guard them, water them, and even help them with their normal daily routine.

King David, a shepherd at his young age knew of his “Shepherd.” A passage in the Bible begins, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul. . . ."

Sheep need to be told when to eat, when to sleep, and when to drink. They will not even defend themselves when danger comes. This is why the shepherd is with them 24 hours a day, to protect them and guide them. We have the “Holy Sprit” to guide us and protect us at all times. However, we are not sheep, and in the military, there is a saying that we call “Doing a gut check” or “Something is just not right.” We need to either, fix it or change the habit that nobody else knows about that could hurt others in the “Unit.” This is why we need our Shepherd “Jesus the Christ” to guide and protect us with our daily routine, 24/7- 365 days a year.

Does your life style need a “Shepherd” to guide you? Is it time that you do a “Gut Check” and follow through with your “Mission at hand.” Maybe we need to face down the enemy in our life style that blocks us from our “Shepherd.” Everybody knows that we are our worst enemy!

I know I need my “Shepherd” 24/7 - 365 days a year to complete my “Mission”!


Shepherd’s Grip

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