Monday, September 24, 2012


Hilly, Shepherd’s Grip Ministry and I (Hilly is my service dog) went downtown to the Phoenix Veteran’s Hospital for a doctors appointment. As always, I added extra time to evangelize before or after my appointment (s) for witnessing to the Veterans or staff while at the hospital. With God’s Promises books in my backpack, we walked down hallways looking for whom ever the Lord would send us. Hilly and I met a few Veteran believers, praise God, and continued walking. Then the day took a turn that I never thought would ever happen. Two young Interns, turn right into Hilly’s and my pathway, praise the Lord! As they were walking, I began talking to them until one of them said, “I don’t know why you are wasting your time with us because we are atheists.” The only words that I could think of were, “I‘m glad you believe in something, I’ll pray for you, and I did”. Then Hilly took us down a hallway that I had never been down before. Though I knew the hospital, I was turned around and lost my direction. Just as we were making are way down this unfamiliar hallway we then made a right turn, bam, right in front of us was this weak, frail Veteran on a hospital bed. As I stood there, he motioned me to come closer. As I looked into his eyes, I knew his time on earth was close at hand. With all of his energy, his words will always be with me, “You can pray for me!” as he excepted the Lord, just then I could feel the chills running down my back, how did Hilly know? The hallway I have never been down before. Therefore, the next day I went back to the hospital only to find out that he had passed away. I was happy that he was with the Lord, but sad because I did not know his name. Someday, I will.  Shepherd’s Grip Ministry

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